By Unknown Friday, May 27, 2016 Canonize the Council Cardinal Capovilla Fatima Old Liberal Bishops the most beautiful flower - Cardinal Loris Capovilla, John XXIII, Fatima and his "Last Will" - SiBejoFANZ John XXIII. and his Secretary Loris Capovilla (Rome) On Sunday Cardinal Loris Capovilla died at the age of 100 years. Born near Padua in 191...
By Unknown Friday, May 20, 2016 Aberrosexual agenda Bishop Pates Des Moines Iowa Old Liberal Bishops the most beautiful flower - Old Liberal Bishop of Des Moines Promotes "Medical" Cannabis - SiBejoFANZ Some things just go together Edit: it's interesting to note how some prelates like Msgr. Pates, camouflage themselves by perfunctory att...