By Unknown Saturday, July 9, 2016 Aberrosexual agenda David Haas the most beautiful flower - David Haas' Intrinsically Disordered Hymns - SiBejoFANZ Profane Halls Edit: visiting Tantumblogo we found this gem. How could anyone take any of these men or their artistic pretense seriously? ...
By Unknown Friday, June 24, 2016 Aberrosexual agenda Archbishop Arrigo Miglio Berrgoglio Effect Cultural Marxism Identity Politics Sardinia the most beautiful flower - Archbishop Sacrifices Priest Who Cites Saint Paul to the Homo-Zeitgeist - SiBejoFANZ Don Massimiliano Puscheddu Preaching at a Pilgrimage (Rome) " Die Bibelf�scher " is one of the most remarkable books of recent lit...
By Unknown Thursday, June 9, 2016 Aberrosexual agenda Amoris Laetitia Bergoglio Effect Italian Bishops Conference the most beautiful flower - Broadcaster for Italian Bishops' Conference Advertise for Aberrosexuality -- Orgies in Rome Seminaries - SiBejoFANZ TV2000, the Broadcaster of the Catholic Bishops (the photo is from a broadcast of June 6th) (Rome) A scandal beyond compare took place on Ju...
By Unknown Friday, May 20, 2016 Aberrosexual agenda Bishop Pates Des Moines Iowa Old Liberal Bishops the most beautiful flower - Old Liberal Bishop of Des Moines Promotes "Medical" Cannabis - SiBejoFANZ Some things just go together Edit: it's interesting to note how some prelates like Msgr. Pates, camouflage themselves by perfunctory att...
By Unknown Thursday, May 12, 2016 Aberrosexual agenda Gender Ideology Philippe Zeller Socialism the most beautiful flower - France Backs Down on Gender Ideology Confrontation --- Philippe Zeller Will Be Ambassador to Vatican - SiBejoFANZ (Paris) France's new ambassador to the Holy See is Philippe Zeller. The appointment was preceded by a lengthy tug of war. Early in 2015 ...