By Unknown Saturday, July 30, 2016 Cardinal Vingt-Trois Cultural Marxism Gender Ideology Islam Jews Non-negotiable the most beautiful flower - Cardinal Vingt-Trois "Violent" and "Homophobe" After Attacks - SiBejoFANZ France's Socialist President Hollande and the Catholic Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Vingt-Trois (Paris) During the Office for the soul ...
By Unknown Friday, June 24, 2016 Aberrosexual agenda Archbishop Arrigo Miglio Berrgoglio Effect Cultural Marxism Identity Politics Sardinia the most beautiful flower - Archbishop Sacrifices Priest Who Cites Saint Paul to the Homo-Zeitgeist - SiBejoFANZ Don Massimiliano Puscheddu Preaching at a Pilgrimage (Rome) " Die Bibelf�scher " is one of the most remarkable books of recent lit...
By Unknown Friday, May 27, 2016 Berlin Cultural Marxism Islam Islamization of Germany Political Correctness the most beautiful flower - University Dismisses Math Professor for Being Critical of Islam - SiBejoFANZ BERLIN. The authorities of two Berlin universities have deprived a professor of his teaching positions for anti-Islamic statements. A math...