By Unknown Monday, August 8, 2016 American Jewish Committee Cardinal Koch Freemasonry Interreligious Dialogue Jews Pallavacini Rabbi David Rosen Religious Indifferentism the most beautiful flower - Do Jews and Muslims Decide the Conditions for the Recognition of the SSPX? - SiBejoFANZ (Rome) The news platform Vatican Insider has allowed the American Jewish Comittee (AJC) to say, "what is negotiable and what is no...
By Unknown Saturday, July 30, 2016 Cardinal Vingt-Trois Cultural Marxism Gender Ideology Islam Jews Non-negotiable the most beautiful flower - Cardinal Vingt-Trois "Violent" and "Homophobe" After Attacks - SiBejoFANZ France's Socialist President Hollande and the Catholic Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Vingt-Trois (Paris) During the Office for the soul ...