By Unknown Friday, May 27, 2016 Canonize the Council Cardinal Capovilla Fatima Old Liberal Bishops the most beautiful flower - Cardinal Loris Capovilla, John XXIII, Fatima and his "Last Will" - SiBejoFANZ John XXIII. and his Secretary Loris Capovilla (Rome) On Sunday Cardinal Loris Capovilla died at the age of 100 years. Born near Padua in 191...
By Unknown Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Fatima Jubilee Portugal Rosary the most beautiful flower - Pope Francis to the Portuguese: "Pray the Rosary Every Day" - SiBejoFANZ "This month of Mary invites us to reinforce the honor and discipleship of Our Lady Daily. Say the Rosary every day! Let it be that the...
By Unknown 12:48 AM Fatima Miracle of the Sun the most beautiful flower - Third Secret of Fatima Not Completely Published -- New Miracle of the Sun at Fatima? - SiBejoFANZ The Portuguese Media is Reporting on the "New Miracle of the Sun" in Fatima (Rome) A good friend of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI., ...
By Unknown Friday, May 13, 2016 Fatima Pope Pius XII the most beautiful flower - Robert Serrou, the "Fatimist" Among the Vaticanisti -- "The ThirdSecret Is in There" - SiBejoFANZ (Paris) This past May 10 one of those people who the former Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone dubbed "Fatimisti" has di...