By Unknown Friday, July 8, 2016 Sacrilege Tubingen the most beautiful flower - T�bingen: Tabernacle Stolen With Blessed Sacrament - SiBejoFANZ Around 10,000 euros damage and on top of that violation of religious sentiments no less Catholics by the theft of the Blessed Sacrament. T�b...
By Unknown Sunday, June 12, 2016 Agitation Chile Desecraton Sacrilege the most beautiful flower - Chile: Leftists Occupy and Desecrate a Church During Student Protests - SiBejoFANZ Demonstrations against the education policy degenerate into anti-Christian vandalism. Santiago de Chile ( / KNA) In Chile unknown m...
By Unknown Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Sacrilege Sicily the most beautiful flower - Cathedral Pastor Parks His Car in the Cathedral - SiBejoFANZ Cathedral Pastor parks his car (For security or work reasons?) in the Cathedral (Rome) The Church crisis is often associated with the waning...