By Unknown Tuesday, July 19, 2016 Archbishop Georg G�nswein Media Pope Francis the most beautiful flower - G�nswein: "The certainty that the pope was considered a pillar of strength, as the last anchor gives way, is starting to slip in fact." - SiBejoFANZ Hendrick Groth in an Interview with Georg G �nswein: "Doctrinal expressions must be clear. Expressions which allow different interpreta...
By Unknown Wednesday, July 6, 2016 Francis of Assisi Pope Francis Portiuncula Indulgence the most beautiful flower - 800 Years of the Portiuncula-Indulgence -- Pope Francis Will Visit the Chapel in Assisi on August 4th - SiBejoFANZ (Rome) Pope Francis will visit the Portiuncula Chapel in Assisi this coming August 4th. This is how the chapel of Santa Maria degli Angeli i...
By Unknown Thursday, June 23, 2016 meditations Pope Francis the most beautiful flower - "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." - SiBejoFANZ Dear brothers and sisters, in the reading from the Gospel of Luke , which we have just heard, is a leper who turns to Jesus "Lord, i...
By Unknown Thursday, May 19, 2016 Amoris Laetitia Bergoglio Effect Pope Francis Roberto de Mattei the most beautiful flower - Pope Francis and His Revolutionary Language - SiBejoFANZ Pope Francis' "Revolutionary Language" (Rome) The historian and well-known Catholic intellectual Roberto de Mattei published a...
By Unknown Friday, April 29, 2016 Episcopal Appointments New Mercy Pope Francis Surprises the most beautiful flower - Bicycling in the Sanctuary --- The "Model" of the "Merciful" Bishops - SiBejoFANZ Archbishop Lorefice Travels With His Bike Through the Presbyterium of his Cathedral (Rome) The new Archbishop of Palermo, recently appointed...