By Unknown Wednesday, July 13, 2016 Archbishop Fernandez L'Osservatore Romano Marcelo Figueroa the most beautiful flower - At the Wish of Pope Francis: "Osservatore Romano" -- Protestant as Editor - SiBejoFANZ From September the Argentine Edition of the Osservatore Romano will appear -- in the photo is the Internet site of the Vatican Paper (Rome) ...
By Unknown Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Bergoglio Effect L'Osservatore Romano Manufacturing Consent the most beautiful flower - Pope Francis: "I am by nature irresponsible" - SiBejoFANZ (Rome) The Osservatore Romano , the semi-official daily newspaper of the Holy See has put a photograph of a Selfie of the Pope with YouTub...
By Unknown Monday, May 9, 2016 Bergoglio Effect L'Osservatore Romano Margot K��mann martin luther Protestant Revolt Sant'Anselmo Tax-Church the most beautiful flower - "Pope Francis is a Reformer Like Martin Luther" -- Margo K��mann in "Osservatore Romano" - SiBejoFANZ Edit: K��mann is the first female Lutheran Bishop who was arrested for drunk driving in 2010, yet never the less, appears frequently to pr...
By Unknown Thursday, May 5, 2016 Archbishop Vigano Eugenio Scalfari L'Osservatore Romano the most beautiful flower - Exclusive and Violent: Monotheism in the Crossfire of Osservatore Romano? - SiBejoFANZ (Rome) In order to gain greater attention for the monthly women's supplement of the Osservatore Romano , "no less than Cardinal Se...