By Unknown Monday, July 4, 2016 Benedict XVI Bergogliade Bergoglio Effect La Nacion the most beautiful flower - Pope Francis' Spectacular Interview: Was Benedict XVI. "The Problem" of the Church? - SiBejoFANZ Pope Francis on "Ultraconservatives" and the "Problem" of Benedict XVI. (Rome / Buenos Aires) A spectacular newspaper in...
By Unknown Sunday, July 3, 2016 Bergogliade the most beautiful flower - Pope Francis Won't be "Tied Down by Ultraconservatives"? - SiBejoFANZ Edit: another staged "interview" wholly manufactured by a leftist journalist? Here's what old liberal Crux has to say. He do...
By Unknown Monday, June 27, 2016 Bergogliade fly by night magisterium the most beautiful flower - Pope Francis Repeats Kasper's Scandalous Statement: "Luther Was Right" - SiBejoFANZ Edit: more magisterium by aerial press conference. (Rome) Besides the Brexit, a "new EU", the rejection of deaconesses, Pope Fran...
By Unknown Saturday, June 11, 2016 Bergogliade Bergoglio Effect the most beautiful flower - Mary Magdalen Raised to the Rank of an Apostole - SiBejoFANZ (Rome) The Daily Bulletin of the Holy See announced in a decree on Friday at the express request of Pope Francis that on the Memorial of S...
By Unknown Thursday, June 9, 2016 Bergogliade Bergoglio Effect the most beautiful flower - Pope Francis on the "Heresy" of 'Either this, Or Nothing" - SiBejoFANZ Edit: Oh, where have we heard this before? Francis in Santa Marta: the healthy realism of the Catholic Church against hypocrisy and false id...
By Unknown Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Bergogliade Bergoglio Effect Montanism the most beautiful flower - CDF Explains Relationship to Charismatics -- But Pope Francis? - SiBejoFANZ Pope Francis at Meeting With Charismatic Renewal in Rome 2014 (Rome) The Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith has clarified the relationsh...