Judul : the most beautiful flower - Grotesque Political Endorsement by Cardinal Sch�nborn and Catholic Societies for Agnostic and Freemason - SiBejoFANZ
link : the most beautiful flower - Grotesque Political Endorsement by Cardinal Sch�nborn and Catholic Societies for Agnostic and Freemason - SiBejoFANZ
the most beautiful flower - Grotesque Political Endorsement by Cardinal Sch�nborn and Catholic Societies for Agnostic and Freemason - SiBejoFANZ
On Sunday, May 22, there will be a runoff for presidential election in Austria held. The Austrian state is elected directly by the people. In the first round on April 24, none of the six candidates had obtained the required absolute majority. Voters will decide on Sunday between the two strongest candidates of the first round. By far the most votes were received by the 45-year old liberal vice-president of the National Council (parliament), Norbert Hofer (FP�) who had received 35 percent. He was followed by the 72 year old former party leader of the Greens, Alexander Van der Bellen, with 21 percent. The candidates of the two governing parties SP� and �VP each did not receive more than 11 percent of the vote in the runoff vote.
Comments from Martha Burger Weinzl
The ballot will decide formally between two opposition candidates. In reality, it was something like a choice for or against an entire power system. This is evident in that the representatives and beneficiaries of the system almost presented a block behind the green candidate, an agnostic and a Freemason - and also the Catholic Church. A culmination which can only be explained by the fear of a loss of power.
The election is an Austrian chapter with great importance for other countries, particularly the Federal Republic of Germany. It's an election that makes clear a frightening degree of disintegration of the Catholic Church.
From neutrality to open partisanship
For a long time the Catholic Church was deliberately neutral and aloof. Voting recommendations were not given any longer. This is something of yesteryear, resonating the with intimation of a sinister tone. The subliminal message of the direction "left half of the Empire," as they say in Austria, wanted to say you have learned from history. This is known to be the biggest lie of all lies in history.
It became obsolete more recently even with a neutrality. This prohibits the "institutional" Church and its sub-organizations, from recommending the "mature" faithful, to "be led" by their crosses at the ballot box.
Before the decisive second ballot of the Austrian presidential election, however, all these self-imposed inhibitions have fallen. This has revealed what was concealed before. The decline of belief in recent decades is glossed over by many, is followed in parallel and quietly with a political reversal of the Church's leadership personnel. Whoever watches the situation closely, would not be surprised. Whoever accepts the false thought control or mutilates himself, must get lost in it at some point himself.
Affinity for the Greens -- Do-gooders rather than Christians
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Alexander Van der Bellen (left) and Norbert Hofer |
The crucial premise: The Catholic Church in Austria, at any rate the Cardinal who's led it for 20 years in Vienna, holds with the government. The party of the Catholics was actually the Austrian People's Party, but because of the red-ruled city of Vienna and the long exclusively red government of 1970-1983 the Church "could" work with the SP�. And then also, ran many young Blacks to the Greens. The �VP responded, toothlessly and tried resignedly to chasing after the zeitgeist. This migrated all voters to the Freedom Party, which knew how to occupy the cleared fields.
The 1968 student revolt showed the neo-Marxists knew best how to convert it into hard political coin. The tangible result is the Green party. Since, it has been over-represented in the media, education and (staatsalimentierter) cultural scene, they could defer their spiritual influence, tolerated by the SP�, beyond party lines. Their name is already a misnomer and one of which there are several. Another is that 68 had indeed considered and demonstrated for the social question, but these were not the working sons on the barricades, but the children of the bourgeoisie. Today, children from SP� families go to the Greens, but the influx carried out of the �VP families takes place earlier and faster. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Catholic nomenclature, that hydra-like, Church-tax funded apparatus is already dripped mentally into the green pool. The green "Catholics" have not converted the Greens. They wouldn't want that anyway. It was the Greens who supported a part of the Catholic Church into apostasy. Those are precisely who takes and holds offices, does not speak for the selection process in the Church.
The "green Catholics" are like the fifth column of a strange way of thinking, which was injected into the Church. A school of thought which represents a self-imposed moral tyranny that has taken confidence with the term "do-gooders", but has less and less to do with with Christianity - which is clearly recognized by every believer. Non-Christians, but just do-gooders. The term does make the difference.
Keeping in Power: choice recommendations, which should not be
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Cardinal Schonborn, his mother Elenore Countess Shchonborn, Federal President Heinz Fischer (SPO) and his wife in the Hofburg |
Cardinal Sch�nborn, Archbishop of Vienna and Dominicans is used to dealing with the red power. The preservation of power, i.e. the upper class for generations has practiced survival, was taken by him like an elite calculus with his mother's milk. He therefore also has to take part in the current presidential election campaign.
He would not issue voting advice, but he let the eager media know, presenting a series of word ciphers, which consisted in a single recommendation to vote for the Green candidate, Van der Bellen. Uninhibitedly the Cardinal said in conclusion, that he thereby wished of course to make "no election recommendation."
Such things were replayed in recent days many. With only two candidates who face each other in a runoff, it's an easily workable, but a not too honest and not particularly decent, method.
The closer the election date [today], the more the nervousness. What is readable is the Catholic organizations, who followed the example of the cardinal, and dutifully made overt or covert election recommendations. Striking this: the closer the election the more direct the choice recommendation; and: all is has had the effect of "outing" Catholic associations who advertise exclusively for the green candidate. "Neutrality" is yesterday.
Keeping in Power: Gay Green Light Instead of Right to Life
Many say: "pluralism", "tolerance", "diversity", "diversity", "democracy" which are also just empty slogans to the official Catholic apparatus, which are meant as decorations for manipulating a single consensus. There must not be a deviation or dissent. There is a frightening lockstep, with such impudence as has not been since before 1968 in a dream.
Whoever is for the killing of unborn children, but finds the green light to gay important, whoever has contempt for his own, but values the stranger, has arrived mentally with the Greens. The vote recommendations of the Catholic organizations confirm: A weak Christianity becomes the plaything of other ideologies, especially the prevailing.
This was demonstrated in recent months already with an undifferentiated attitude to migration. Cardinal Sch�nborn even took to criticizing neighboring countries Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, who all shows that they know the word responsibility and common good, and whose bishops are of a very different opinion, to the archbishop of Vienna.
Cardinal and Catholic Associations for Agnostics and Freemasons
Election recommendations are not bad per se. But the self-imposed "neutrality phase" makes the Van der Bellen recommendation astonishing after all.
Catholic organizations, association leaders, media, the archbishop of Vienna and president of the Austrian Bishops' Conference engage in election recommendations for an agnostic and a Freemason? This is a fact in Novum. It is the signal that the mental breakdown, which has taken hold of the Catholic Church in Austria, has reached an alarming level.
The Green candidate informed the Atheistic Religious Society in Austria from his campaign office:
"Alexander Van der Bellen is not a believer in the narrow sense. He advocates a clear and strict separation of church and state, from politics to school."
According to Van der Bellen he was a staunch defender in the television debates of the abortion ideology and emphatically defended a "free access" to abortion. His "motivation" in the migration is shattered against his icy intransigence when it comes to abortion. The unborn children are engaged literally in life or death and not real or pretended need, to economic migration and population replacement for the multicultural reconstruction of Europe. Of asylum as temporary hospitality for those truly in need of protection, the green candidate never spoke anyway. Everything points for him as his supporters, to the promotion of permanent population shifts of the resident population. Ultimately, even the so-called "refugee crisis" is just another, of already numerous harmful sociopolitical experiments that were not all invented by the Greens, but are supported by them with enthusiasm.
The lodge's spirit
In television debates, Van der Bellen has been charged several times by his liberal rivals as a Freemason. In ATV he responded by saying: "This corresponds to the facts" yet he has denied it other times. The lodges membership was confirmed in Innsbruck, and already goes back to the 70s. It was then that Van der Bellen's real academic career began. Even if one wanted to grant his occasional downplaying, apologetic statement, believing he was "but resigned sometime mid-80s", stating that he was still a university professor in Vienna, paid its annual membership fee and thus out, but included in the lists of the beaproned brothers. At least this raises the question of how the lodge's membership favored his career to associate professor in Innsbruck and then to full professor in Vienna. It's known that masons skillfully ignite smoke bombs around their lodge membership. Yet what is decisive is not the masonic apron, but the lodge's spirit: Van der Bellen has never set aside the thinking of the Loge, as his opinions daily prove.
Now what connects the cardinal and the Catholic appartschiks with him? The Vienna archbishop could refer to his Masonic father. The Lodge brothers appreciate this and have not forgotten it. Or are they already familiar in collaboration? Finally, several Red Presidents belong to the Lodge. However, the reality is far more prosaic next to personal nuances.
Catholic administrative personnel and the discernment of spirits
The Church, which has since the 60's, engaged in self destruction, which was accomplished by internal Church complicity with the relativistic secularization of society, has really let the mental dams break. Especially discernible in Catholic circles is that the difference between parties has become only rudimentary. The 68ers have successfully combated the divine and natural order, which includes the morality that corresponds to the nature of man. They have cunningly replaced it with a pseudo-morality that is worst of all, a caricature, than what Catholic morality and the church was assumed to have at that time.
Morality is not equal to morality. The Catholic morality is not the morality of the lodge. That is not something, however, readily distinguished by the heads of Catholic Organisations. To keep it that way actually helps the cogent reason the Church's drift to the left and to the open partisanship toward an attitude completely a dubious and incompatible with Christianity.
The justification of the Catholic Women's Movement (kfb), with which it calls for the election of Van der Bellen, is downright outrageous: though the liberal spokeswoman of the kfb should logically put her endorsement behind Norbert Hofer, who is a practicing evangelical Christian, while Van der Bellen agnostic, and as the former socialist Federal Minister, belongs to no church.
Of this they are angry, because they would not have wanted to say this at all, explained the kfb in "logical" consequence, that is the reason there is only an open call to vote for Van der Bellen. At the same time, the Catholic Association Women criticized a "manipulative communication style." Such is not noticed by them otherwise, not even at the ORF with its manipulative Church, abortion and currently also on election, coverage. For those who think the same, it probably really does not stand out.
The system preserving itself
It is about the preservation of the system. In the 70 years since the war, Austria has established a system that has a network of parties, of narrower and wider front organizations, groups and circles who exercise power. This red-black system, has been arranged by the Catholic Church. From time to time they have even been dependent on this system. There are many Green, excuses and conveniences, to solidify a system.
Nothing must be said against the predominant red-black alliance. It is the government alliance. From this comes the money for kindergartens, schools, hospitals, etc. The Greens are counted in the red part of the Alliance since the 90s and are considered in some circles as the "finer" variant to articulate its proximity to the system, without needing to be directly the SP� or the �VP. They are considered as the really electable among them, by those who are wealthy enough to imagine that therefore already can afford experiments the whole country.
This is also the reason for the Church's silence on leftist social experiments, the silence for mass murder of innocent children, to homosexualization and genderisation. The "social consensus" should not be disturbed. So it is of the �VP, and those which in turn interact wich the Archbishop's Palace in Vienna. It takes place at the elite level. Alexander Van der Bellen takes sociopolitical issues that are diametrically the opposite of what the Catholic Church teaches or should teach in Austria, but only does partly due to the system.
Norbert Hofer positions represented: no "business as usual" in the issue of immigration, strengthening direct democracy and mandatory referendums on major issues, a no to TTIP, promoting child-rich Austrian families, demand for another EU to oppose terror. This is especially true for his announcement, if necessary, to dismiss the government, and leave it at a standstill and the government, whereas previously, the President was reliable as a guarantor of the system.
Grotesque alliances for green candidates
Anyway, no one should say, the Cardinal and the Association of Catholics don't know what they do. They know it very well, and they do it willingly. Their recognition and place in the system are at stake. With the election of the liberal candidates many things would change. It would be high time. But system representatives have to fear a loss of influence by any change that is not controlled by themselves. This explains the strange, sometimes grotesque, and unholy alliances that have been forged prior to 22 May, the day of election.
It is the part of desperate fear system representatives have of a loss of benefice, their personal benefices. This also explains the snakes of the state manipulators who willingly jostle to make public endorsements for Van der Bellen. This also explains the attitude of most mass media, who have received the lucrative advertising contracts from the government and government-related fields.
There is a whole system of power and cliques, which are threatened with deselection this Sunday. Some feel this in their bones. That Church and Catholic association representatives can be carried away by such a one-sided political partisanship without distress, on behalf of the Church, is close to irresponsible abuse. It does it do great harm to Austria and Austrians, but especially the Catholic Church.
That explains why so many the ranks and names - and even part of this system - or those otherwise who have no rank and name, would move all the levers to guide to "their" victory. According to the state radio ORF "all" are for the green candidate. This is why shrewd observers wonder why Van der Bellen did not achive a high absolute majority in the first ballot. What it means: not "all" Austrians are for Van der Bellen, but all do-gooders. The distinction is important to understand what is happening in the public sphere. The democratic education conceals the difference between elites and mass. A mistake. It's important not to exclude the possibility in one's own thinking, especially not ignore the elites, or their influence.
In the SP� headquarters they had to quickly install a new chancellor before the runoff election, because after that things might not go so easy. Coincidence? Not at all.
Norbert Hofer: "The system is not important to me, it's the people who are important."
The liberal federal presidential candidate, Norbert Hofer, said in a duel with ATV, that he could actually rather put up placards throughout Austria, because it explains much and answered succinctly:
"The system not important to me, it's the people who are important."
On election night, it will be seen whether the system elite can force its will through brute force and the manipulative use of the state broadcasting system again, or if the Austrians have preserved in their majority to decide freely and with common sense.
Austria's elections have inclined for decades, as elections have been, if the access to the media, the fourth power in the state, but which actually not covered by the Constitution, would actually be democratic, balanced and fair. The Catholics of Austria will hopefully know to discern the spirits.
Text: Martha Burger Weinzl
Picture: CR / tempos /
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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